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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Dec 10, 2017

Episode 36 - NEONOVA2018 Interview with Brian Orban, First Blood GT, Double Turns, Mysterious Terrain and Thankfulness
So, in Episode 36, we have a great interview with a sneak peak into the Narrative Events that will happen at NOVA 2018.  Brian Orban tells us about the team pulling it together and a glimpse into what...

Nov 26, 2017

Episode 35 - Are we getting too much stuff?  Also, the #ireadAoS Contest winner, picking a new army and drunkenness!

  In this thrilling episode, we discuss how to pick a new army, if you’re new to the game, or if you jumped in too far on your first try.  We ask the question - Are we getting too much stuff from GW,...

Nov 12, 2017

Episode 34 - NOVA Open Kidshammer - With Stephen Duall
  We have a short show this time, but the interview is with Stephen Duall, who ran the Kidshammer event at the Nova Open this year.  The event was a big hit and Stephen is paving the way fro real growth in the hobby by getting the younger crowds involved in a...

Oct 29, 2017

Episode 33 - We rant about ourselves, and #ireadAoS

We cover new things out from GW and we talk a bit about podcasters and the responsibility we have to make sure you know where we are coming from!  Elric announces a contest to give away Black Library books.


Upcoming Events


Oct 9, 2017

  In this return to form, I apologize for missing a few shows, and we all discuss the joys of the new General’s Handbook 2017.  And maybe some not so joyous stuff?  Elric announces a Black Library book contest and I carefully edited a bit we recorded by accident to make Elric sound like a flat-earther ;)

