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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Jun 19, 2019

Anniversaries, Announcements and Animosity Interview!
Episode 70 - So, we finally get to talk to Alex Polimeni, the head man of the Animosity world-wide narrative even team!  To keep the narrative theme, I talk about volunteering to head up the Narrative even at LVO.  We talk new stuff, we ramble about the anniversary of AoS and our show.  We even have a last minute announcement about the streaming coverage of Flying Monkey Con!
Links from the show;
Flying Monkey Con -
Summer Slaughter -
Sound the War Plums Twitch channel
Sound the War Plums YouTube channel -
Links that still need to be seen
Nova Open -
Contact us!
Patreon Page for Rolling Bad Podcast -
Facebook -
Rolling Bad podcast Feed site -
Twitter - @rolling_bad
Our E-Mail -
The Hosts and their twitters;
Links mentioned or that we like!
The Honest Wargamer -
Garagehammer -
FaceHammer -
Tales of Sigmar -
Signals from the Frontline -
Forge The Narrative -
2+ Tough Youtube Channel -
US AoS Community Pack -
The Realm Gate Blog -
The Mitzy and Jimbo Show! -
AoS Events Calendar -
Sonic Sledgehammer on YouTube -
AoS Shorts -
"Take a Chance" Kevin MacLeod (
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