Episode 59 - In the new Dawn, we
look at Wrath and Rapture box, and do our top 3 Minis, products and
books (kinda) for AoS this year. In lore we delve a little
deeper into starting a narrative (or any) campaign. We also
announce the next 2 winners for the prize packs!
Episode 58 - We have a guest,
Randy Hill, from the Denver area who came down for the Soulstorm
Fiesta tournament. Ryan and Randy discuss their games, we
have some creation and we announce the first 2 prize winners.
We also drop the next hashtag for next set of prizes.
Episode 57 - We continue our coverage of the realms with Azyr
and Chamon. We get to hear Ryan’s report on the King of the
Mountain Invitational tournament. We also talk about the new
HonestWargamer web page and the Workbook that Rob Symes
(@sixdiceskills) put out. (It’s crazy good). We also
announce a holiday...
Episode 56, A sad announcement,
The New Dawn for November, the New Hobbyist Expo coverage and then
special guest Chuck Moore shares his thoughts on being the T.O. for
the Nova Open AoS GT and attending RAW 2018, so a double dose of
goodness!!! At the end of the show is more new dawn, all
about the new books from Black...
After some major hard knocks from life, we managed to get this
one recorded! We cover the new stuff from GW and then launch
into a double realm coverage show. We hit Ugly, the realm of
Shadow and then Hysh, the Realm of Light. Coincidence?
You decide!