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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Dec 4, 2016

Episode 13

General’s Handbook 2 Our thoughts with Tyler Emerson from the Scruby and Wells Podcast

In this thrilling episode, we have our old friend, Tyler Emerson from the Scruby&Wells podcast with us to discuss some possible improvements to the General’s Handbook, version 2.  As you may know, GW has asked the community for input, and here you have ours.  We also talk about the December White Dwarf and the new goodness within!  And once again, we do not cover the Beastclaw Raiders! 

There are some audio issues, but I hope I minimized them!


Realm of the New Dawn  0:02:11
Realm of Creation  0:15:54
Realm of Lore  0:20:43
Realm of Mistakes 1:41:04

Contact us!
Rolling Bad Podcast Website -
Twitter - @rolling_bad 
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Show notes;

My blog for free AoS markers -
Active Imagination (Our FLGS) -

ITC at Frontline Gaming -

Podcasts mentioned or that we like!

Scruby and Wells -

Heelanhamer -

Garagehammer -

FaceHammer -

Mortal Realms -

Tales of Sigmar -

Heralds of War -