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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Oct 9, 2017

  In this return to form, I apologize for missing a few shows, and we all discuss the joys of the new General’s Handbook 2017.  And maybe some not so joyous stuff?  Elric announces a Black Library book contest and I carefully edited a bit we recorded by accident to make Elric sound like a flat-earther ;)


Upcoming Events




Realm of the New Dawn - 0:01:58

Realm of Creation - 0:23:03

Realm of Battle - 0:32:06

Realm of Lore - 0:42:00

Realm of Mistakes - 1:47:56


Contact us!


Rolling Bad podcast Feed site -

Rolling Bad Podcast Website -

Twitter - @rolling_bad

Our E-Mail -


The Hosts and their twitters;






Podcasts mentioned or that we like!


Scruby and Wells -

Age of Sigmar Daily - Ben Curry -

Heelanhamer -

Battleshock -

Garagehammer -

FaceHammer -

Mortal Realms -

Tales of Sigmar -

Heralds of War -

Forge The Narrative -

The Ninth Realm -