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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Oct 9, 2016

  We have a special guest host, Tyler Emerson from the Scruby and Wells podcast.  We talk about growing a community while paying attention to the kids and the ladies in the community, how can we get more into the hobby?  We also talk about balancing tournament games and scenarios.  We cover a lot of thought provoking topics on the subject of community building and ways that GW can help grow AoS, with ideas from crowdfunding to media management.  And the bloopers, oh, the wonderful bloopers. 


Realm of the New Dawn  0:04:27

Realm of Creation  0:27:28

Realm of Lore  0:33:40

Realm of Sunset 2:05:04

Realm of Mistakes 2:10:26


Contact us!

Rolling Bad Podcast Website -

Twitter - @rolling_bad

Our E-Mail -


The Hosts and their twitters;





Show notes;


Tyler Emerson, from the Scuby and Wells podcast;

Twitter - @scrubyandwells

on iTunes -

on the web -


Vince Venturella’s Youtube -


My blog for free AoS markers -

Active Imagination (Our FLGS) -


Podcasts mentioned or that we like!

Scruby and Wells -

Heelanhamer -

Garagehammer -

FaceHammer -

Mortal Realms -

Tales of Sigmar -

Heralds of War -