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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Dec 17, 2016

Episode 14

The Best of 2016 and lots of listener questions!

We’re going to wrap up 2016 with a “best of 2016” list.  The top 9 things that the three of us agreed on had the most impact this year.  We follow it up with listener questions that generate a lot of discussion.  We got two questions from Tyler (Scruby and Wells) that were so thought provoking, we had to delay a week or two to answer them.  There is a blooper section, but I left a lot of things that I would normally take out in the show, because they are funny to anyone, I think.  So, this one has a few laughs as well.


Realm of the New Dawn - 0:01:05
Realm of Creation - 0:16:12
Realm of Battle - 0:22:23
Realm of Lore  - Best of 2016 - 0:33:48
Realm of Lore - Listener Questions - 1:15:41
Realm of Mistakes 1:44:34

Contact us!
Rolling Bad Podcast Website -

Twitter - @rolling_bad
Our E-Mail -
The Hosts and their twitters;

Show notes;

My blog for free AoS markers -
Active Imagination (Our FLGS) -

ITC at Frontline Gaming -

Podcasts mentioned or that we like!

Scruby and Wells -
Heelanhamer -
Garagehammer -
FaceHammer -
Mortal Realms -
Tales of Sigmar -
Heralds of War -