Apr 24, 2017
In this crazy, blooperfest, we talk to Boss Hoss from the Battleshock podcast. He is putting together an AoS event called, appropriately enough, the Battleshock Bash! He gives us the details and makes fun of Elric. What could be better? We then move on to an overview of the DoTz battle tome and what we like about it. We also go into Seraphon, where I stick my foot in my mouth again, because 2 days after we recorded it, a fine fellow won Best Order general at the SCGT with Seraphon! So, what do I know?
Battleshock Podcast - http://battleshock.net/
Battleshock Bash! at The Gateway Open: http://www.gatewayopen.com/
Battleshock Bash! Event Pack: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vNvpTyJOcmRP8AISXPvRiItrFSbD-7DStJxpnkFRujc/edit?usp=sharing
And, yes, there are bloopers at the end… Ohhhh My….
Realm of the New Dawn - 0:01:27
Realm of Creation - 0:10:35
Realm of Battle -0:16:19
Realm of Lore - 0:25:08
Realm of Mistakes - 1:21:11
Contact us!
Rolling Bad Podcast Website - www.rollingbad.com
Twitter - @rolling_bad
Our E-Mail - rollingbadpodcast@gmail.com
The Hosts and their twitters;
My video on the Stormcast Eternal Limited Edition Battletome - https://youtu.be/UcN9RAUVdsk
Podcasts mentioned or that we like!
Scruby and Wells - http://scrubyandwells.com/
Heelanhamer - www.heelanhammer.com
Battleshock - http://battleshock.net/
Garagehammer - www.garagehammer.net
FaceHammer - http://www.facehammer.co.uk/
Mortal Realms - http://mortalrealms.blogspot.com/
Tales of Sigmar - http://www.talesofsigmar.co.uk/
Heralds of War - http://heraldsofwar.com/
Forge The Narrative - forgethenarrative.net