Jul 2, 2017
This time around, James is in Colorado Springs at a tournament, so we drafted Ryan Taylor to help us out. We cover our experience with Skirmish gaming and then we focus on Battletome Bonesplittaz. We try hard not to talk too much about Kunnin Rukk, but how can you not? We also cover some things that are not kunnin rukk! We also bid a sad, yet fond farewell to the Heelanhammer podcast as they go on hiatus.
Upcoming Events
Slobberknocker GT - http://www.slobberknockergt.com/
RBR - http://www.rollingbad.com/RBR.html
Realm of the New Dawn - 0:01:39
Realm of Creation - 0:18:12
Realm of Battle - 0:31:30
Realm of Lore - 0:40:44
Realm of Mistakes - 1:51:51
Contact us!
Rolling Bad podcast Feed site - http://rollingbad.libsyn.com/
Rolling Bad Podcast Website - www.rollingbad.com
Twitter - @rolling_bad
Our E-Mail - rollingbadpodcast@gmail.com
The Hosts and their twitters;
My video on the Stormcast Eternal Limited Edition Battletome - https://youtu.be/UcN9RAUVdsk
Podcasts mentioned or that we like!
Scruby and Wells - http://scrubyandwells.com/
Age of Sigmar Daily - Ben Curry - http://baddice.co.uk/
Heelanhamer - www.heelanhammer.com
Battleshock - http://battleshock.net/
Garagehammer - www.garagehammer.net
FaceHammer - http://www.facehammer.co.uk/
Mortal Realms - http://mortalrealms.blogspot.com/
Tales of Sigmar - http://www.talesofsigmar.co.uk/
Heralds of War - http://heraldsofwar.com/
Forge The Narrative - forgethenarrative.net