Jul 16, 2017
Episode 29 - Keeping the AoS mojo in the Age of 40k!
Bill, James and Elric pontificate on how to keep the AoS scene strong in your group as the miniatures world turns its head toward the 40k world. How do you keep your players interested, and gaming! We also here about Jame’s adventures in Colorado at the GT they had there. Sprinkle in some hobby and some laugh and we have a podcast!!!
I apologize about some of the microphone bumping noise in the show, we had out set up a little out of whack and it causes some thumps.
AoS Shorts Podcast - https://aosshorts.podbean.com/ or on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/aos-shorts-get-better-fast/id1257266510?mt=2
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Realm of the New Dawn - 0:01:06
Realm of Creation - 0:18:22
Realm of Battle - 0:21:24
Realm of Lore - 0:33:06
Realm of Mistakes - 1:26:10
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The Hosts and their twitters;
My video on the Stormcast Eternal Limited Edition Battletome - https://youtu.be/UcN9RAUVdsk
Podcasts mentioned or that we like!
Scruby and Wells - http://scrubyandwells.com/
Age of Sigmar Daily - Ben Curry - http://baddice.co.uk/
Heelanhamer - www.heelanhammer.com
Battleshock - http://battleshock.net/
Garagehammer - www.garagehammer.net
FaceHammer - http://www.facehammer.co.uk/
Mortal Realms - http://mortalrealms.blogspot.com/
Tales of Sigmar - http://www.talesofsigmar.co.uk/
Heralds of War - http://heraldsofwar.com/
Forge The Narrative - forgethenarrative.net