Jul 30, 2017
Episode 30 - AoS NEON Page, RB Demo Day and Frank DeLoach on 'The Meta'
In this riveting episode, we call your attention to the AoS NEON Community Page and we talk about the AoS Demo Day Bill put together at our FLGS. For our lore segment, we have Frank DeLoach from the San Diego area, We Slay Dragons group and...
Jul 16, 2017
Episode 29 - Keeping the AoS mojo in the Age of 40k!
Bill, James and Elric pontificate on how to keep the AoS scene strong in your group as the miniatures world turns its head toward the 40k world. How do you keep your players interested, and gaming! We also here about Jame’s adventures in Colorado at the GT they...
Jul 2, 2017
This time around, James is in Colorado Springs at a tournament, so we drafted Ryan Taylor to help us out. We cover our experience with Skirmish gaming and then we focus on Battletome Bonesplittaz. We try hard not to talk too much about Kunnin Rukk, but how can you not? We also cover some things that are not kunnin...