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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Sep 26, 2021

SCE and Orruk Warclans Battletome Winners and Losers
Episode 116
We cover a wee bit of the FAQ to the FAQ.  Then we move on to the winners and losers from the two new battletomes, SCE and Orruk Warclans.  There were some obvious winners and losers in these books, and we try to tease them out!
Contact us!

Sep 5, 2021

FAQ Review and Hobby Burnout
Episode 115
We cover the FAQs that came out in August (Before the new Sep FAQ... of course).  Then we dive into Hobby Burnout, with some examination of symptoms, then maybe some ideas to help you along.  We also, Finally, announce the Cursed City winner!
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