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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Sep 23, 2018

Episode 54, The 3 hour Monster Snuffleufugus, Aqshy Episode.  We talk New stuff (and Middle management in AoS), some hobby items and then dive headlong into our realm coverage for Aqshy!  We have more Nova Interviews (Including Aaron Bostian the NEO, Casey Dunn from BCP and Sam Butler from Games and Gears). Enjoy!
Patreon Page for Rolling Bad Podcast -
Links from this show;
The Chaos GT -
The NOVA Open -
Warhammer Rio Rancho -
Games and Gears -
Best Coast Pairings - Tournament Software -
Realm of the New Dawn - 0:05:13
Realm of Creation - 0:42:18
Realm of Lore Pt 1 - 1:03:11 (Lore and Locations)
Realm of Lore Pt 2 - 1:49:19 (Spells, Artifacts and more)
2:27:07 - Aaron Bostian - Head NEO at Nova
2:47:05 - Sam Butler - Games and Gears
2:53:02 - Casey Dunn - Best Coast Pairings
Links that still need to be seen
Rolling Bad Ongoing Narrative Campaign -
The Free City State of Kwa-Jimu Pack -
Contact us!
Patreon Page for Rolling Bad Podcast -
Facebook -
Rolling Bad podcast Feed site -
Twitter - @rolling_bad
Our E-Mail -
The Hosts and their twitters;
Links mentioned or that we like!
Garagehammer -
FaceHammer -
Fjordhammer -
Tales of Sigmar -
Signals from the Frontline -
Heralds of War -
Forge The Narrative -
2+ Tough Youtube Channel -
US AoS Community Pack -
The Realm Gate Blog -
The Mitzy and Jimbo Show! -
AoS Events Calendar -
"Take a Chance" Kevin MacLeod (
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