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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Nov 10, 2018

Episode 56, A sad announcement, The New Dawn for November, the New Hobbyist Expo coverage and then special guest Chuck Moore shares his thoughts on being the T.O. for the Nova Open AoS GT and attending RAW 2018, so a double dose of goodness!!!  At the end of the show is more new dawn, all about the new books from Black Library.  It was already a long new dawn, so I split it up for you!
Chuck’s main page - 
Patreon Page for Rolling Bad Podcast -
0:11:21 - New Dawn
0:44:17 - Realm of Creation and the New Hobbyist Expo
1:05:45 - Special Guest Chuck Moore
1:43:41 - New Dawn 2 - the Black Library book edition
Links that still need to be seen
The Free City State of Kwa-Jimu Pack -
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Links mentioned or that we like!
Garagehammer -
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Tales of Sigmar -
Signals from the Frontline -
Forge The Narrative -
2+ Tough Youtube Channel -
US AoS Community Pack -
The Realm Gate Blog -
The Mitzy and Jimbo Show! -
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"Take a Chance" Kevin MacLeod (
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