Episode 95 - We go to the secret mountain retreat to isolate
and play some GAMES with Randy, Kyle and Zach! We have a
great interview with Alex Polimeni about the Animosity 2 narrative
world-wide campaign. We also cover the new GHB and the points
FAQs that came out.
Episode 94 - Lumineth! We
talk about new stuff coming up, throw a few shoutouts and talk
about our hobby explorations. Then we look into how far down
the rabbit hole I went with the Lumineth Realm Lords box. We
touch a little bit on the 5th Anniversary (adding to the Minisode
we did for the 5th anniv) but also ask...
We talk about where we were, how we got here and where this
journey may lead us. Thanks to everyone for hanging out with
us and being on this grand journey together!!!