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Welcome to the Rolling Bad Podcast!

We're two guys in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the desolate wasteland talking to you every two weeks about Age of Sigmar in the Southwest United States.

We are;

Bill Castello

Elric Edge


Thanks for coming by!

Nov 28, 2020

Episode 102
We take a hard look at Plumbing in Necromunda campaigns. Oh, and Morathi gets some discussion!
GoFundMe for the contest -
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Nov 15, 2020

So, we look at the new stuff coming up, was philosophical on Getting Started, AoS 3.0 and then dive into lore.  Our topic is how to beat OBR with the 4 destruction armies.  We give some general ideas then dive into each faction and what they need to try to do to beat up OBR.  
GoFundMe for the contest - 

Nov 1, 2020

Our 100th Episode
 We talk new stuff, we reminisce, we announce our charity raffles and the new direction for the show.  We know where the beef is!!  Oh, and the new paint handle :)
Eric's Hobby Workshop -
Miscast -